Connect + Roaming + Dynamic Pricing
EVesto offers a transparent, simple, low-cost pricing model with no commission fees. We believe providing connectivity and operational excellence for charge points should be a commodity, not a premium service. Our goal is to accelerate the electrification of mobility worldwide by offering straightforward, low-cost pricing across three models: Connect, Roaming, and Dynamic Pricing.
We require a minimum of 1000 connectors per month, which makes becoming a CPO highly advantageous.
Additional features that we add in the future might incur additional costs, but they will always be related to the number of connectors.
The Connect offering includes OCPP 1.6 and 2.01 connectivity to the charger, a self-service portal, API integration, automated and many other features to help manage your charging networks.
Connect: € 1,00 per connector
Connect + Roaming
If you want your charging network to be publicly available and attract EV drivers to your stations, the Roaming offer can help. The offering adds monetizing and integrations with roaming hubs like Hubject, Gireve, and e-clearing and the ability to set up P2P OCPI connections with EMPs.
Connect + Roaming: € 3 per connector
Connect + Roaming + Dynamic Pricing
If you want to optimize energy costs and align your charging prices with real-time electricity rates, then Dynamic Pricing is the perfect solution. The Dynamic Pricing option automatically adjusts your charging fees based on day-ahead energy pricing, helping you reduce operational costs and increase profitability in regions with fluctuating electricity rates. By using real-time data from the reliable Entso-E data source, you can ensure your charging network remains competitive while offering fair pricing to EV drivers. This feature is ideal for charge point operators with dynamic energy contracts who want to take advantage of varying electricity prices.
Connect + Roaming + Dynamic Pricing: €4.50 per connector
OCPP 1.6 and 2.0.1 connectivity to the charger
A self-service portal,
API integration
Automated Onboarding
Chargepoint backend
Connect + Roaming
OCPP 1.6 and 2.0.1 connectivity to the charger
A self-service portal,
API integration
Automated Onboarding
Charge point backend
Connect with Roaming Hubs (bring your own subscription but with an EVesto discount!)
Connect with EMPs directly using OCPI 2.1.1 & 2.2 & 2.2.1
Plug & Charge (excluded extra costs for Hubject)
Connect + Roaming + Dynamic Pricing
Automated Onboarding
Charge point backend
Connect with Roaming Hubs (bring your own subscription with an EVesto discount!)
Connect with EMPs directly using OCPI 2.1.1 & 2.2 & 2.2.1
Plug & Charge (excluded extra costs for Hubject)
Automatically adjusts charging prices based on real-time energy prices using day-ahead pricing models.
Energy pricing data is retrieved from the Entso-E data source, ensuring reliable and accurate information for price adjustments.
Set variable tariffs for start, energy, parking, and charging sessions.